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 Чувашская Республика
Национальный парк Чаваш варманеЧувашская Республика, Шемуршинский район, село Шемурша.25,2 тыс. га.

Nelumbonaceae to Vitaceae: Water Lotuses to Grapes (Aquatic and Standing Water Plants of the Central Midwest) / This is a comprehensive guide to plants in the Nelumbonaceae to Vitaceae families. In this fourth and final installment in the «Aquatic and Standing Water Plants of the Central Midwest» series, veteran botanist Robert H. Mohlenbrock identifies aquatic and wetland plants in eight central Midwestern sNelumbonaceae to Vitaceae: Water Lotuses to Grapes (Aquatic and Standing Water Plants of the Central Midwest)
This is a comprehensive guide to plants in the Nelumbonaceae to Vitaceae families. In this fourth and final installment in the «Aquatic and Standing ...
Лёгкие нашей планеты / Под редакцией Б. Н. Головкина и Е. В. Флинта. Тропические леса по праву называют «лёгкими планеты». Об их роли в биоценозе Земли и угрозе, которая нависла над нами, с неподдельной тревогой рассказывает Арнольд Ньюмен, известный американский натуралист, вице-президент Международного общества по сохраЛёгкие нашей планеты
Под редакцией Б. Н. Головкина и Е. В. Флинта. Тропические леса по праву называют ...
Forest Mensuration / Van Laar and Akca is popular text book, Forest Mensuration, was first published in 1997. Like that first edition, this modern update is based on extensive research, teaching and practical experience in both Europe, and the tropics and subtropics. However, it has also been extensively revised, and noForest Mensuration
Van Laar and Akca is popular text book, Forest Mensuration, was first published in 1997. Like that first edition, this modern update is based on ...
Wild Flowers / Compact, easy to use, and illustrated with stunning photographs, this innovative guide features detailed profiles of over 440 species of wild flowers from Britain and Northwest Europe. It is the essential companion for enthusiasts of all ages and levels of experience.Wild Flowers
Compact, easy to use, and illustrated with stunning photographs, this innovative guide features detailed profiles of over 440 species of wild flowers ...