Гамаскова Е. С.

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 Воронежская область
Каменная степьВоронежская область, Таловский район. К югу от посёлка Таловая.5 232 га.

Красная книга России / Вам предлагается ближе познакомиться с удивительным миром животных России, занесённых в Красную книгу. В популярном варианте издания собрана важная информация о наиболее интересных представителях фауны нашей страны, которым грозит опасность исчезновения, их распространении, внешнем виде, образе жизнКрасная книга России
Вам предлагается ближе познакомиться с удивительным миром животных России, ...
Plant Pathology / The fifth edition of «Plant Pathology» provides students and professionals with a current, comprehensive, and beautifully illustrated guide on plant disease. It covers the history of plant pathology, the basic concepts of plant disease, effects of environmental factors on disease initiation and devePlant Pathology
The fifth edition of «Plant Pathology» provides students and professionals with a current, comprehensive, and beautifully illustrated guide on plant ...
Aliens In The Backyard: Plant And Animal Imports Into America / Aliens live among us. Thousands of species of nonnative flora and fauna have taken up residence within U.S. borders. Our lawns sprout African grasses, our roadsides flower with European weeds, and our homes harbor Asian, European, and African pests. Misguided enthusiasts deliberately introduced carpAliens In The Backyard: Plant And Animal Imports Into America
Aliens live among us. Thousands of species of nonnative flora and fauna have taken up residence within U.S. borders. Our lawns sprout African grasses, ...
The Native Trees of Canada / While shopping in the used-book store the Monkey’s Paw in Toronto, Leanne Shapton happened upon a 1956 edition of the government reference book «The Native Trees of Canada», originally published in 1917 by the Canadian Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources. Most people might simply vThe Native Trees of Canada
While shopping in the used-book store the Monkey’s Paw in Toronto, Leanne Shapton happened upon a 1956 edition of the government reference book ...