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 Республика Адыгея
Предгорья АдыгеиРеспублика Адыгея, Майкопский район, город Майкоп.21 594 га.
ХаджохРеспублика Адыгея, Майкопский район, посёлок Каменномостский.1 957,83 га.

Robert John Thornton: The Temple of Flora / The complete reprint of all color plates from Robert John Thornton’s monumental work «The Temple of Flora», first published in London in 1799. Presented as 33 loose-leaf Elephant folio-sized color prints as well as a booklet including an introduction and explanations of the botanical plates. The yeaRobert John Thornton: The Temple of Flora
The complete reprint of all color plates from Robert John Thornton’s monumental work «The Temple of Flora», first published in London in 1799. ...
Fungi / Discover over 450 varieties of fungi found in Britain and Northwest Europe with this new edition, in association with the RSPB. From the familiar toadstools with cap and stem to stranger fungal forms with spines, tubes or wrinkles, discover over 450 varieties of fungi with this pocket-sized guide. IFungi
Discover over 450 varieties of fungi found in Britain and Northwest Europe with this new edition, in association with the RSPB. From the familiar ...
Толстянковые в холодном климате (биология, экология, физиология) / В работе обобщены результаты многолетних эколого-биологических и физиологических исследований представителей сем. Crassulaceae на европейском Северо-Востоке России. Дана общая характеристика и рассмотрены особенности структурно-функциональной организации трёх видов растений — Rhodiola rosea, HylotelТолстянковые в холодном климате (биология, экология, физиология)
В работе обобщены результаты многолетних эколого-биологических и ...
Timber: A Photographic History of Mississippi Forestry / Book DescriptionThis collection of black-and-white images conveys the story of human impact on Mississippi’s forests from the pioneer era to the present. Photographs gleaned from public and private archives, tell a visual tale of the development of Mississippi’s forest industries. Historic locomotivTimber: A Photographic History of Mississippi Forestry
Book DescriptionThis collection of black-and-white images conveys the story of human impact on Mississippi’s forests from the pioneer era to the ...