Plant Pathology

George N. Agrios / Plant Pathology / The fifth edition of «Plant Pathology» provides students and professionals with a current, comprehensive, and ...Название:Plant Pathology
Автор:George N. Agrios
Издатель:Elsevier Academic Press
Количество страниц:952
Цена:4 115 руб.
Описание:The fifth edition of «Plant Pathology» provides students and professionals with a current, comprehensive, and beautifully illustrated guide on plant disease. It covers the history of plant pathology, the basic concepts of plant disease, effects of environmental factors on disease initiation and development, and the latest information on epidemiology and control of plant diseases. In addition, it reviews many of the important diseases caused by each of the pathogens and by abiotic factors. This classic text presents basic concepts of plant disease, designed for use in lectures, while the specific diseases are organized to serve as the basis for laboratory exercises. Hundreds of color photographs and diagrams illustrate and explain the basic concepts and the specific diseases described in the text. «Plant Pathology» is written in a clear, concise, well-organized style that students can follow and understand.
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