Forest Management and Planning

Pete Bettinger, Kevin Boston, Jacek Siry, Donald L. Grebner / Forest Management and Planning / This book provides a focused understanding of contemporary forest management issues through real life examples to engage ...Название:Forest Management and Planning
Автор:Pete Bettinger, Kevin Boston, Jacek Siry, Donald L. Grebner
Издатель:Academic Press
Количество страниц:360
Цена:6 911 руб.
Описание:This book provides a focused understanding of contemporary forest management issues through real life examples to engage students. The methodology for the development of quantitatively-derived forest management plans — from gathering information to the implementation of plans at the forest level — are explicit explained. Emphasis is placed on the development of the traditional commodity production forest plans using linear programming, the development of alternative forest plans, and problem resolution in planning. The authors have developed this book based on their personal experience in teaching forest management courses and the review of ten forestry programs (Auburn University, University of Georgia, Iowa State University, Louisiana State University, Northern Arizona University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Florida, Virginia Tech, and Oregon State University). The integration of extended case studies of a variety of scenarios as well...
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