The Art of Simpling: An Introduction to the Knowledge and Gathering of Plants

William Coles / The Art of Simpling: An Introduction to the Knowledge and Gathering of Plants / Book Description1656. Where the definitions, divisions, places, descriptions, differences, names, virtues, times of ...Название:The Art of Simpling: An Introduction to the Knowledge and Gathering of Plants
Автор:William Coles
Количество страниц:132
Цена:1 903 руб.
Описание:Book Description1656. Where the definitions, divisions, places, descriptions, differences, names, virtues, times of flourishing and gathering, uses, temperatures, signatures and appropriations of plants are methodically laid down. Whereunto is added, a discovery of the lesser world. Partial Contents: Physics, Philosophy, Herbs, Proper places where plants are to be found, Roots, Stalks, Leaves, Flowers, Seeds, Plants, Plants used in, and against Witchcraft, Myriad uses of plants.
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