Aloes (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants — Industrial Profiles, 35)

Tom Reynolds / Aloes (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants — Industrial Profiles, 35) / Aloes are a large genus of plants, about 450 species, that have been adopted as medicinal plants since ancient times. ...Название:Aloes (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants — Industrial Profiles, 35)
Автор:Tom Reynolds
Издатель:CRC Press
Количество страниц:408
Цена:14 883 руб.
Описание:Aloes are a large genus of plants, about 450 species, that have been adopted as medicinal plants since ancient times. Many species are widespread in warm or tropical semi-arid regions, while others live in desert or wet mountain regions. Scientists have yet to discover the full biological activity of the many aloe compounds. Aloes: The genus Aloes reviews all botanical, chemical, biochemical and medical information as well as the commercial aspects of aloes. It guides researchers in botany, natural product chemistry, pharmacology, dermatology and immunology. The present volume brings together a wealth of information on aloes from a variety of sources, including seldom-recorded folk customs.
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