
David and Shirley Bassett / Delphiniums / Gardeners throughout the world love these majestic tall flowers, but few are aware of the many colors and forms that are ...Название:Delphiniums
Автор:David and Shirley Bassett
Издатель:Timber Press
Количество страниц:176
Цена:2 513 руб.
Описание:Gardeners throughout the world love these majestic tall flowers, but few are aware of the many colors and forms that are now available with the burst of new cultivars, several of which have been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Not just blue, but red, pink, violet, yellow, and white forms exist to entice gardeners. Expert authors bring all their expertise and enthusiasm to this book, which is a much-awaited publication on a plant that offers much to the gardener. Introducing both wild and cultivated delphiniums and discussing breeding and the use of the flowers in the garden, the book also covers cultivation and propagation and talks about the pests and diseases that affect delphiniums. Издание на английском языке.
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