Nelumbonaceae to Vitaceae: Water Lotuses to Grapes (Aquatic and Standing Water Plants of the Central Midwest)

Professor Emeritus Robert H. Mohlenbrock / Nelumbonaceae to Vitaceae: Water Lotuses to Grapes (Aquatic and Standing Water Plants of the Central Midwest) / This is a comprehensive guide to plants in the Nelumbonaceae to Vitaceae families. In this fourth and final installment ...Название:Nelumbonaceae to Vitaceae: Water Lotuses to Grapes (Aquatic and Standing Water Plants of the Central Midwest)
Автор:Professor Emeritus Robert H. Mohlenbrock
Количество страниц:488
Цена:7 413 руб.
Описание:This is a comprehensive guide to plants in the Nelumbonaceae to Vitaceae families. In this fourth and final installment in the «Aquatic and Standing Water Plants of the Central Midwest» series, veteran botanist Robert H. Mohlenbrock identifies aquatic and wetland plants in eight central Midwestern states, which include Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas, Kentucky (excluding the Cumberland Mountain region), Missouri, and Nebraska. «Nelumbonaceae to Vitaceae: Water Lotuses to Grapes» contains 346 highly informative and technically accurate illustrations as well as ecological information, nomenclature, and keys for plants in the aforementioned families, including white water lily, fireweed, smartweed, mild water pepper, hawthorn, and wild strawberry. Mohlenbrock identifies and describes each plant in concise and readable prose and indicates its usual habitats and the states in which it occurs.
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