Aliens In The Backyard: Plant And Animal Imports Into America

John Leland / Aliens In The Backyard: Plant And Animal Imports Into America / Aliens live among us. Thousands of species of nonnative flora and fauna have taken up residence within U.S. borders. Our ...Название:Aliens In The Backyard: Plant And Animal Imports Into America
Автор:John Leland
Издатель:University of South Carolina Press
Количество страниц:235
Цена:299 руб.
Описание:Aliens live among us. Thousands of species of nonnative flora and fauna have taken up residence within U.S. borders. Our lawns sprout African grasses, our roadsides flower with European weeds, and our homes harbor Asian, European, and African pests. Misguided enthusiasts deliberately introduced carp, kudzu, and starlings. And the American cowboy spread such alien life forms as cows, horses, tumbleweed, and anthrax, supplanting and supplementing the often unexpected ways «Native» Americansinfluenced the environment. Aliens in the Backyard: Plant and Animal Imports into America recounts the origins and impacts of these and other nonindigenous species on our environment and pays overdue tribute to the resolve of nature to survive in the face of challenge and change. In considering the new home that imported species have made for themselves on the continent, John Leland departs from those environmentalists who universally decry the invasion of outsiders. Instead, Leland finds that...
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