Edvard Koinberg: Herbarium Amoris Floral Romance

Henning Mankell and Tore Frangsmyr / Edvard Koinberg: Herbarium Amoris Floral Romance / The notion of plant sexuality was initiated by Swedish botanist and physician Carl Linnaeus. Working with his collection ...Название:Edvard Koinberg: Herbarium Amoris Floral Romance
Автор:Henning Mankell and Tore Frangsmyr
Количество страниц:280
Цена:1 319 руб.
Описание:The notion of plant sexuality was initiated by Swedish botanist and physician Carl Linnaeus. Working with his collection of over 20,000 specimens, Linnaeus grouped flowers and plants in a Calendarium Florae, and systematically classified plant species by the number and arrangement of their reproductive parts, drawing direct parallels with human sexual organs. Highly controversial at the time, the assertion that a plant’s stamens and pistils mirror human genitalia resulted in a ’sexual revolution’ in plant taxonomy. Swedish photographer Edvard Koinberg creates a modern visual counterpart to Linnaeus’s work, approaching the subject with equal passion and dedication. Having cultivated several hundred plants in his country house, Koinberg photographs each delicate bloom in his studio under perfect lighting conditions, depicting the life cycle of various flora as they bud, flourish and wane, resulting in a modern Calendarium Florae, a visual calendar that charts the year...
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