Вид: зубянка луковичная

Вид «зубянка луковичная» присутствует в видах региональных Красных книг следующих объектов:

НазваниеМестоположениеРазмер, га
Северо-Западный федеральный округ, Калининградская область
Природный парк ВиштынецкийКалининградская область, Нестеровский район.29 080

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Mushrooms / This is a new edition of the clearest, most authoritative guide to mushrooms you will find. From the False Oyster to the Green Stain, discover over 500 species of mushrooms in the wild. 2,300 incredible photos, precise annotations and detailed descriptions, including everything from mushroom shapes Mushrooms
This is a new edition of the clearest, most authoritative guide to mushrooms you will find. From the False Oyster to the Green Stain, discover over ...
Жизнь растений / Энциклопедия «Жизнь растений» представляет собой уникальное по широте охвата и универсальности собрание описаний 2 500 растений всех континентов Земли. Энциклопедия сочетает современный научный подход к описанию растений с живой, увлекательной формой изложения материала. Особое место в ней занимают Жизнь растений
Энциклопедия «Жизнь растений» представляет собой уникальное по широте охвата и ...
Flower Spirits Boxed Notecards / Steven N. Meyers utilizes his expertise in radiological techniques to capture flowers and botanicals in invisible light. The fine art of x-ray photography allows the artist to reveal the textures, details and structures of plants which are not normally visible to the human eye. Steven is one of onlyFlower Spirits Boxed Notecards
Steven N. Meyers utilizes his expertise in radiological techniques to capture flowers and botanicals in invisible light. The fine art of x-ray ...
Encyclopedia of Herbs / The most comprehensive illustrated A-Z of herbs, with full horticultural information and practical tips. Covers the culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal uses of herbs and describes their fascinating history. Includes all the beneficial properties of herbs, and highlights potentially toxic or harmful plEncyclopedia of Herbs
The most comprehensive illustrated A-Z of herbs, with full horticultural information and practical tips. Covers the culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal ...