Вид: ломатогониум колесовидный

Вид «ломатогониум колесовидный» присутствует в видах региональных Красных книг следующих объектов:

НазваниеМестоположениеРазмер, га
Северо-Западный федеральный округ, Ненецкий автономный округ
Пым-Ва-ШорНенецкий автономный округ.2 425

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Mushrooms / This is a new edition of the clearest, most authoritative guide to mushrooms you will find. From the False Oyster to the Green Stain, discover over 500 species of mushrooms in the wild. 2,300 incredible photos, precise annotations and detailed descriptions, including everything from mushroom shapes Mushrooms
This is a new edition of the clearest, most authoritative guide to mushrooms you will find. From the False Oyster to the Green Stain, discover over ...
The Encyclopedia Of Wood: A Tree-By-Tree Guide To The World’s Most Versatile Resource / Anyone who likes to tramp through the woods, reads the Arbor Day Foundation newsletter, or shops at home-and-garden centers can probably identify a fair number of common trees: maples, oaks, pines, and the like. Some folks can even tell a red maple from a sugar maple, a black oak from a pin oak, andThe Encyclopedia Of Wood: A Tree-By-Tree Guide To The World’s Most Versatile Resource
Anyone who likes to tramp through the woods, reads the Arbor Day Foundation newsletter, or shops at home-and-garden centers can probably identify a ...
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Руководство включает 270 видов, широко распространённых в Средней России и ...
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The most comprehensive illustrated A-Z of herbs, with full horticultural information and practical tips. Covers the culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal ...